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Любимый кабинет

Ооо, стоматологическая клиника

О деятельности

Организация ведет работу по следующим видам деятельности: Медицинские центры и учреждения. Насчитывается 3 конкурента

Адрес нашей компании

Советская, дом 10/1

Показать на карте Яндекса



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График работы

с 10:00 до 19:00
с 10:00 до 19:00
с 10:00 до 19:00
с 10:00 до 19:00
с 10:00 до 19:00
с 10:00 до 19:00

Сейчас 07:55, Воскресенье.


Ооо, Стоматологическая Клиника Любимый кабинет работает на территории Центрального федерального округа в г. Болохово на Советской.

Как к нам проехать

Для проезда по указанному адресу по навигатору воспользуйтесь GPS координатами 54.083302 и 37.821218

Панорама улицы

Виртуальная прогулка по улице Советская поможет Вам быстрее сориентироваться в поисках организации Любимый кабинет

Отзывы и мнения


German Rotors for Turbines: KaVo, NSK, W&H, Sirona, Castellini, Bien Air.... Prices from 89 Euro > www.dental-rotors.com Warranty 6 - 12 months Worldwide Delivery Made in Europe Best regards Eugene WhatsApp: +393275609272


Hi, just wanted to reveal how easy and quickly is to save on KaVo, Sirona, NSK, Bien Air handpieces. Here is a short (3min. video that will show how can you save till 70% on dental handpiece repairs with same quality as original. Watch here > https://dental-rotors.ck.page More than 15 500 Dentists already apply this in their clinic!!!


[ Dental Rotors ] staff has spent the last decade in the dental industry, and we know that dentists want efficient and cost-effective solutions. After discovering the money being lost by practices sending handpieces out for repair we created the solution. Now you can simply order our quality turbines and quickly repair your own handpieces (even inventory turbines) in your office to reduce your downtime to zero. New SIRONA T2 /T3 boost Rotor Turbines Pack Order here > https://dental-rotors.com/product/rotor-sirona-t2-t3-boost/ Key for Push button > https://dental-rotors.com/product/key-sirona-t1-boost-t2-t3-boost/ Best regards Dental Rotors www.dental-rotors.com [email protected]


I know you’re busy -- so let’s skip the small talk. 2 quick things: 1) I came across your Google Maps - Google My Business and saw that you are at the end of list - LOOSING a lot of leads I help dentists, retaurants and other businesses to rank on Top 3 Google Maps and help deposit 2-5x more $$$s into my client’s checking accounts each month. But the way I do it is a little different than what you’re used to... Let me explain. I’ll help you rank on page 1 for google MAPS for $24.60 - Check reviews here [ https://bit.ly/Dentist_GMaps ] either this helps you get more clients (and you make more money) or I’ll return $24.60 to you, give you an extra $100 (on top), and give you a FREE SEO audit (value: $297) Today I’m reaching out to a few people I’m confident I can generate BIG wins for and giving them the opportunity to snag up this limited time offer before it’s gone. I only take on 15 new clients a month, 13 spots are already booked, but you’re the first one on my list for the last spot. So can I light a fire under your sales and make you MORE $$$’s? I don’t need anything from you. I already know your target market. What makes them light up with desire. Tick. Wince in pain at 3AM. Everything. All I need is you go here [ https://bit.ly/Dentist_GMaps ], click continue for the “basic”, and my partner will set you up Then we’ll get to work to Deal? Reply with a “hell yeah, let’s do this” right now. Katerina your name Sales Generating Machine


ChatGPT 4 is awesome, but ChatGPT with this extension Boost your Rank 4.5x Quciker Check here => https://webearningslab.com/ChatGPT4 Today is 73% off https://bit.ly/GPT4ext Waiting your feedback after Cheers Jessica


Cheked your blog and is awesome! Wanted to know if you sell backlinks? Check here my site please and navigate and Click please to test if everything is ok on this pages: https://mshome.design/trends-2023 and this one https://mshome.design/studio3D if everything is ok and clickable please send me your offer Cheers Jason [email protected]


Weight loss stuck? You may have a toxic fatty acid that blocks weight loss. Check this video https://justforwomen.online/ Cheers Jessica Original Formula https://justforwomen.online [email protected]

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